Sunday, January 22, 2017

Storyboard vs. Story Bored

8 x 10 Graphite
By Katherine Thomas

The journey IS the destination.
I don't know who actually said that, or if it's even a quote, but that's my mantra and I'm sticking to it!
The story of the two adventurers is coming together, little by little. I learned how to make a storyboard, and I've got everything planned out according to the guidelines for children's books guidelines I've been reading. 
The storyboard is like a checklist for me as I go along. It helps me to see how far I've come and how far I have left to go, and reminds me that I'm moving forward, however slowly. 
My fear is that I'll get tired of these two before I finish all the illustrations. I might have to take a few breaks and work on other things in between... which will delay the completion of the project. But it's not like I have a deadline anyway!  
We'll just keep plugging away at it. It's the process of creating a children's book that I've always wanted to experience... and I'm doing just that, enjoying the process, rather than focusing on the finish line... (which is so far ahead that I can't even see it, anyway!)

Something's Afoot
(rough draft for Colored Pencil piece)

Posted by Katherine Thomas 4 comments
Labels: artist, children, Cincinnati, colored pencil, drawing, fantasy, girl, graphite, grasshopper, illustrations, katherine thomas.

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