Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Head In The Clouds

18 x 24 Colored Pencil
Katherine Thomas

This is the first cloud-filled sky I have ever attempted!
I've always been hesitant about clouds, because they can so easily detract from the subject. Also, they too often look like solid objects, rather than what they are: transparent water vapor.
As practice, I experimented with different techniques on smaller paper, until I felt like I had a system of sorts. Then I started in on the big paper. It took about a week, working every day, all day to get to this point! I still need to tweak these clouds, but I'll do that as the rest of the piece progresses.
Interestingly, I've already had an offer to buy the unfinished drawing, of just the cloudy sky with the white silhouette of the boat! I told them no, they couldn't have this one... but I'd be happy to do another piece for them,  depicting that same stage of progress. They agreed, and then mentioned that they would like to hang the two pieces side by side, showing the plain sky alongside the sky with the sailboat. That might be pretty cool!

Posted by Katherine Thomas 6 comments
Labels: child, Cincinnati, cloud, colored pencil, drawing, fantasy, fiction., girl, grasshopper, illustration, katherine thomas, sailboat, sailing, sky, Story

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